my UiTM life

my UiTM life
suka suki sakat

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

sewel sawan saran

dekat2 jer final...masalah melambak2 dtg.
xde lampu merah langsung...nk kater xpernah face it b4 ni, pernah ler...
tapi kali ni punyer mencabar giler....
this is what i need to do for mylife....
really sorry to my abah brother....n the rest of "uncle" for not going to follow ur route....
this is what i want...this what i can do in life...sorry 4 dissapointing u guys....


bukan yg ni.....hehe


is this the best 4 me???
haha...comfirm semua mber2 tkejut beruk bile dengar ni...
lagi tkejut beruk bile dieorg dpt tau aku nk tukar kos aper lepas ni...hak3

btul ker x die ni...sewel ker ? sawan ker?
bg aku sendiri lar.....mmmmmm
aku pon Tarak Tau la......
Dillemma....Confius.....semua ader.....

suda tawar ati sgt nk proceed ngan per yg aku dh start b4 ni....sewel kan.
aku dh bazir banyak mase.....
"kenapa aku xtukar awal2 lagi...?
kenapa mesti skunk ni ...? ko dah part 4 fafa...lagi 2 sem...ikut calculation intake bru, tengah tahun depan ko dh habis ko tau x....?"
itu la persoalan timbul bile aku tanyer lecturer sal ni...ermmmm...
abah pulak...."aper2 keputusan lepas ni,jgn libatkan abah tau...,it's urself...u need to decide what the best 4 u" kecik ati jew...
menambah3 lagi beban kt kepala ni.....

amat memerlukan sokongan dari rakan2 taulan.....:(

Monday, April 11, 2011

RuNning Test 0n Me

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

think typically...tapi, jadi org tengah ni bukan kerja senang...ermmmm
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

but still single until to be n enjoy to be...klu jodoh smpai...terima jew la...:)
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

but stil don't have one even i once open da heart 4 him....that's what we call life...u just can't just simplify have a faith that he will be the one...bcuz...he also can be the one who will break ur heart...
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

am i??????
serious choosing him when i strongly have a faith that he's the one....
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

learn new thing always...cuz it really valuable.....:)
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

keja utk hidup...choose the best one but not to memilih pada zaman skunk ni...:)
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.


What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.

sure it right...hihi
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

yang ni cam betul jew...always be prob solver but own prob hardly solve it by own...:)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

wAy 2 oVeRcOmE UR fEEling & StrEss

masalah perasaan ni susah nk cerita la....better ko imagine sendiri la..sometime it hard to xplain to the others,perhap klu yg dew pon...belum tentu memahami..
bgi fafa,org yg pernah lalui pasti dpt merasa aper yg kiter rase....(dh bnyak melalut ni...)
klu yg tadi feeling...yg ni stress....
hidup as a person who is falling love...have been falling love...n etc, bnyak dugaan yg kiter perlu face,right...bile xdpt face,stress pon dtg beratur....ambik turn utk attck kite...baek dri segi fizikal @ mental...
so,fafa nyer cara senang jew....i've just found out an activity that can make me feel better while stress out...


"r afraid of height...we'll help ur to overcome ur fear by for student...."
yg ni ayat yg aku bace lam flyer aitu...
1st time maen benda ni...ketar tu beb...panjat menara tu stu hal....tinggi giler...
1st round bagai nk sawan...mane xnyer,halfway nk turun....tudung boleh tsangkut kt besi skali ngan tali...dekat 10 minit di awangan....but thanks to redha,bird n the gang....hero turun slmat kan tudung aku drpd kena gunting...tapi nasi dh jadi bubur. tudung yg tsangkut tu dh hangus cam kena seterika,..kelakar giler..
bile slamat smpai bawah...lutut terus jam...tbaring terus kat situ.
but i made it to have another round...alhamdulillah...dgn jayanyer berjaya menamatkan tnpa apa2 masalah....
(laen ti fafa post gambar real...)
this week,fafa nk try buat Australian rappel(Involves descending facing down.)....satu cabaran baru....mesti best....hahaha



buat kali ke-dua fafa cycling....mase ni semua ader masalah perasaan...senang citer...pick a bike..put it earphone...psang lagu bruno mars kuat2...kayup jew basikal tu...route kli ni...keluar pintu A ....pegi benda belakang Uitm...pmandangan kt sini best giler...sesuai tuk layan diri ...layan perasaan...hak3
ptg tadi,,,fafa try cycling sorang2...keluar pin2 B n masuk balik pin2 A.....xsampai stngah jam pon...


cari paling best utk release tension....iaitu bowling....cari stu team...lawan n hentam abih2...
fafa walau tngan tergantung,sedaya upaya baling bola tu...alhamdulillah...bnyak gak lar strike (berlagak kejap...)
thanks 2 frenz yg mperkenalkan game ni....we got hamudah here...filza...amin...farid....aiman...n last but least haikal...score ttinggi buat mase ni..136...ermmm
my shoulder going better,i bet i can beat all ur point...hak3

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Secret Garden MV - I Only See You (JooWon Vr.). Hyun Bin, Ha Ji Won

terPAKSA....Sayang....xSAMpai Hati...

1st camera aku beli ngan duet aku sendiri......sedih tapi mmmmmm.....
ngan kamera ni la aku dpt kenangan2 yg terindah ngan new friends....
banyak giler la memory tpahat sbb kamera ni...
tapi tu la...skunk ni aku terpaksa menJual Kamera ni...huk3..
bile aku tanye pendapat abah aku,"jual jew kamera tu....xmendatangkan faedah pon"...sadis x ayat tu....
bagi aku...kamera ni aku lagi sayang klu nk dbandingkan ngan laptop aku tau...
agak2...klu aku mintak pendapat korang....korang akan kater camner????

Friday, February 11, 2011

aKu MaSiH FAFA yg DuLu

                                                       masih seperti dulu walaupon....huhu
                                                     sekarang aaagak COMEL ckit.....hak3
                                                                      geng2 part 1....
                 giler rrrr....aku rindu korang semua...yg best..sok ramai2 kite xplorace...
                                                     smart team forevers.....thumbs up
                            will catch u guys for the next shooting session....setuju x???
                                                             geng terbaru b4 terbaru sekali....
                            korang semua aku salute....sbb korang otak2 semua...hak3
                                                     yg ni paling cun pernah aku ambik..
barisan hadapan.....farah rahmah anum...pnjang x name die?? nsib baek xletak nme bapak skali...(^^)
                        second...halimatul saadiah....candid2x...hak3
                                 third...hihi...mcm biasa...
                     fourth.....intah nabila....sempoi sentiasa....:)